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CENSORSHIP LESSON #3 - Do we have a Minister of Propaganda? Sarah Huckabee Sanders in part!

Joseph Goebbels
In Nazi-Germany

The prime mover in censorship was the Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels. It was his responsibility to see that the German people were fed with material acceptable to the Nazi state. Newspapers, radio and all forms of media were put under the control of the Nazis.

Watch this video about taxes:

Although Sarah doesn't have complete control of the media she is affecting it as she feeds her opinions and translations of the foul-ups in the White House to the public and the media hoping to change their minds. 

Definition of propaganda:

ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also a public action having such an effect

Of course, Trump is a master of this!!


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